Oxford Instruments (OXIG.L, OXIG LN)

  • 1172.4
  • 58.0
  • 95.7

    Closing Price (p): 2020.0

  • RATING 24/10/23


Company Profile

Oxford Instruments (OXIG) is a leading provider of high technology products and services to commercial customers and scientific research communities. Its core products focus on materials analysis and can image, analyse and manipulate materials down to the atomic and molecular level. Just under half of revenue comes from early-cycle academic R&D within universities and research institutions. Its range of scientific cameras, microscopes, spectrometers, specialist software and cryogenic systems allow for faster R&D, improved quality control and higher productivity – resulting in new leading-edge technologies.

Major Shareholders%
Artemis Investment Management LLP10.0
Threadneedle Asset Mgt. Ltd.9.2
BlackRock Invest. Mgt (UK) Ltd.7.8
Martin Francis Wood3.9
The Vanguard Group, Inc.3.8