Harworth Group (HWG.L, HWG LN)

  • 535.4
  • 324.5
  • 28.4

    Closing Price (p): 165.0

  • RATING 19/11/21


Company Profile

Focused on the North of England and the Midlands, Harworth Group is primarily a land promotion company that invests to transform land and property into sustainable places where people want to live and work. The company owns close to 100 sites as part of its 15,000-acre land portfolio. Harworth can be broadly split into two primary business areas: (i) Capital Growth, which makes up c.58% of the portfolio and (ii) Income Generation, which accounts for the other 42%.

Major Shareholders%
Roditi Spencer Nicholas26.2
Peel Land & Property Investments26.0
The Pension Protection Fund17.8
Schroder Investment Mgt. Ltd.3.6
Janus Henderson Investors UK Ltd.3.3