permanent tsb Group (PTSB.I, PTSB ID)

  • 807.5
  • 545.6
  • 25.0

    Closing Price (c): 148.0

  • RATING 04/02/21

  • PREVIOUS RATING 06/03/19


Company Profile

DUE TO OUR INVOLVEMENT IN THE PERMANENT TSB SHARE SALE, DAVY IS NOW IN A PERIOD OF ORDINARY COURSE RESEARCH. RESTRICTIONS THEREFORE APPLY TO OUR RESEARCH COVERAGE. permanent tsb Group is a domestic-focused Irish retail bank offering a broad range of products, including (primarily) residential mortgages, term loans, current accounts and deposits, credit cards and overdrafts. The group continues to focus on growing its core franchise while also reducing its non-performing loan ratio, investing in its digital distribution channels and diversifying its lending through its expansion into the SME market.

Major Shareholders%
Government of Ireland57.4
NatWest Group Plc11.7
The Goldman Sachs Group8.7
Screwtaw Private Equity Unlimited7.0
Wellington Management Group3.3