Bank of Ireland (BIRG.I, BIRG ID)

  • 9966.5
  • 1008.8
  • 100.0

    Closing Price (c): 988.0

  • RATING 11/03/13

  • PREVIOUS RATING 14/08/12


Company Profile

Bank of Ireland is a leading Irish financial services company with significant operations in Ireland and the UK. It provides a broad range of retail and corporate financial services in Ireland through a comprehensive multi-channel distribution platform and is the sole bancassurer in Ireland through its New Ireland Assurance subsidiary. Its Retail UK business includes its exclusive distribution relationships with the UK Post Office and the AA; a foreign currency JV; its intermediary mortgage book, with a focus on specialist mortgages; and a car finance business. It also operates a full service retail operation in in Northern Ireland that has also been restructured to reflect the rate and competitive environment.

Major Shareholders%
BlackRock Fund Advisors8.9
Massachusetts Financial Services8.0
Norges Bank Investment Management4.9
Government of Ireland4.1
Orbis Investment Management Ltd.4.0