Genuit Group (GENG.L, GEN LN)

  • 973.0
  • 249.2
  • 99.3

    Closing Price (p): 390.5

  • RATING 05/11/21


Company Profile

The purpose of Genuit Group plc is to help make the built environment more sustainable. The group manufactures piping and ventilation systems as well as filters and chemicals that are used to protect water-based heating systems. Genuit, formerly known as Polypipe, has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2014 and currently generates around 90% of its revenues in the UK. Its products and solutions are areas of increasing importance in the context of the need for more resilient drainage systems; the desire to improve air quality; the push to decarbonise the built environment and make construction more sustainable; and efforts to tackle climate change and more extreme weather events.

Major Shareholders%
FIL Investment Advisors (UK) Ltd.8.4
Impax Asset Management Ltd.8.2
Franklin Templeton Fund Mgt. Ltd.5.1
Lansdowne Partners (UK) LLP4.8
abrdn Investments Ltd.4.2