• 201.7
  • 680.4
  • 91.3

    Closing Price (p): 29.6

  • RATING 11/10/23

  • PREVIOUS RATING 17/02/20


Company Profile

Open Orphan is a European CRO focussed on providing pre-clinical and clinical trial services to pharma, biotech and medtech clients. A CRO manages clinical trials on behalf of healthcare clients. It can assist in clinical trial site selection, investigator and patient recruitment, study design, trials management, data management and analysis, and regulatory affairs. Consultancy and technology services around these functions can also be provided. Since it listed in late 2012, Open Orphan has focussed on the expansion of its revenue base, its range of services and its geographic reach. This has been achieved via organic growth but predominantly through the acquisition of small European CROs for cash, equity or a combination of both.

Major Shareholders%
JPMorgan Asset Mgt. (UK) Ltd.7.0
Canaccord Genuity Wealth Ltd.4.0
Friel Cathal Martin3.1
Octopus Investments Ltd.3.1
Rankin Allan3.0