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Wealth in well-being: Know better, live richer

Better serving women's financial needs

Research by Davy & MCCP | Articles by Davy employees

Welcome to Davy’s Wealth in Well-Being hub, a source of information pertaining to structuring your finances and planning for the future to ensure you can deliver a lifestyle tailored to your needs and aspirations.

This collection of articles, written by Davy experts, covers the importance of compounding and diversification, how to leave a legacy through your estate, and much more. Browse through the articles, and if any question sparks interest, feel free to contact a Davy Adviser today.

Introduction to our Women's Research Report

At Davy, our purpose is to deliver exceptional client outcomes by a world-class team. We are aware however that wealth creation, financial planning and investing is becoming more diverse across gender and age. We believe that traditional boundaries need to be rethought and that financial services, in particular, need to consider the female audience in a far more research-informed, authentic way.

When we looked at the existing women's research, we faced a challenge in that most banks and financial services firms relied on broad assumptions about women's needs, resulting in products, services, and messaging that can feel superficial or misaligned with what is important to women. In Ireland, a significant gap existed in relation to research which sought to better understanding women's needs. This overall lack of insight within the category resulted in women disengaging from financial planning and ultimately not fulfilling their financial goals and ambitions. We thought it was a good time to conduct some in-depth research so we could better understand the needs of women in Ireland.

Research objectives

Motivators and goals

Understand women's motivators and goals in relation to finances

Attitudes and behaviours

Understand women's current attitudes and behaviours in relation to financial planning and investment


Understand the factors that contribute to the attitudes and behaviors


Understand perceptions of the financial planning and investment category for Irish women

Key research findings

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Better serving the financial planning and investment needs of women in Ireland

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